Real estate development is an exciting and lucrative field with the potential to create long-term wealth through property ownership and development. However, many fledgling, young, or amateur developers make the mistake of tackling too many projects at once, hoping to achieve success quickly and easily.

This can be a characteristic trait of being greedy or over-ambitious. The desire for quick profits may drive these developers to prove themselves in the industry. However, this approach can lead to failure, as they may need more experience, financial resources, or a team to back them.

Instead, successful real estate development requires a measured approach that emphasises patience, prudence, and a focus on building a solid foundation for future growth. This article will explore the benefits of starting small and building up experience, resources, and a team over time, taking calculated risks and learning from each project. By doing so, we can create a sustainable business and build lasting wealth, one property at a time.


Being over-ambitious can be a significant problem for fledgling developers. It can lead them to take on more projects than they can handle, hoping to achieve quick success and a reputation in the industry. This can be particularly tempting for those eager to prove themselves or driven by a desire for fast profits.

However, this approach often leads to failure. Taking on too many projects can quickly become overwhelming, especially if the developer needs more experience or a solid team to support them. Each project has unique challenges, and learning how to manage them takes time. When developers try to tackle too much too soon, they may find themselves in over their heads, struggling to juggle multiple projects at once and needing help to give each one the attention it deserves.

Moreover, over-ambitious developers may need more financial resources to back them up. Real estate development requires significant capital for acquiring properties, financing construction, and other costs. As a result, developers who try to take on too much too soon may stretch their resources thin, putting themselves at risk of running out of money or going into debt.


Real estate development can be a highly lucrative career path. Still, it requires patience and prudence to achieve success over the long term. These virtues are essential because they help real estate developers avoid unnecessary risks that could jeopardise their financial stability and future growth prospects.

Being patient means taking the time to evaluate potential real estate investments carefully and weighing the risks and rewards of each project. It means not rushing into deals simply because they look good on paper or because others are jumping on the bandwagon. Instead, it involves thoroughly researching the market, analysing the property’s potential, and carefully assessing the investment’s financial feasibility.

Conversely, prudence involves making sound decisions based on experience, knowledge, and foresight. It means taking calculated risks with potential significant returns while minimising the downside. For example, a prudent real estate developer may initially invest in a smaller, less expensive property rather than taking on a larger project with more significant financial risks. This approach allows them to gain valuable experience and gradually build their portfolio without risking their financial stability.

Starting small is a critical component of being patient and prudent. Real estate developers who try to take on too much too soon risk making costly mistakes that could jeopardise their financial future. Starting small allows developers to gain experience and build their portfolio gradually, one property at a time. As they gain experience and build a track record of successful projects, they can expand their horizons and take on more significant projects.

Learning from each project is another crucial aspect of being patient and prudent. Each project provides valuable lessons that can be applied to future investments. Developers who take the time to reflect on what they have learned from each project can avoid making the same mistakes again and can fine-tune their approach to maximise their returns.

Finally, building a team is an essential part of the process. A team can provide valuable support, guidance, and expertise, helping developers to make informed decisions and avoid costly mistakes. Building a team may involve finding partners, contractors, attorneys, or other professionals who can help the developer navigate the complex world of real estate development.


Taking a measured approach to real estate development is vital to long-term success. Rather than taking on too much too soon, fledgling developers must start small and build up over time. This means focusing on one or a few projects at a time and taking a calculated approach to risk and growth.

One of the key benefits of this approach is reduced risk. By focusing on one project at a time, developers can devote their attention and resources to ensuring its success. In addition, they can take the time to learn from their mistakes and refine their approach rather than risk failure by taking on too much too soon.

Another benefit of a measured approach is greater financial stability. By focusing on one project at a time, developers can ensure they have the financial resources to see it through to completion. This reduces the risk of running out of money or debt and allows developers to build up their financial resources over time.

Finally, a measured approach allows for greater learning and growth over time. Developers can gain experience and learn from their mistakes by starting small and building up over time. They can also build a team of trusted partners and advisors who can provide guidance and support as they grow.


One example of a developer who took a measured approach to real estate development is my young student and mentee, Mark Winter. Mark started with a single property and gradually built a portfolio over time. Mark recognised the importance of starting small and learning from each project before taking on larger, more complex developments.

Mark began with a modest property investment in a desirable location, which he renovated and sold for a profit. From there, he reinvested the profits into another property, choosing a location and property type aligned with his long-term goals.

With each new project, Mark learned valuable lessons and refined his approach. He built up a team of trusted partners and advisors, including architects, contractors, and property managers, who helped him to navigate the complexities of real estate development.

Over time, Mark’s portfolio grew, with each new project building on the success of the last. He continued reinvesting profits into new projects, always focusing on quality, sustainability, and long-term growth.

Through this measured approach, Mark built a sustainable business and created long-term wealth through property ownership and development. In addition, by starting small and learning from each project, he could avoid the pitfalls of over-ambition and build a solid foundation for future growth and success.

This case study highlights the importance of taking a measured approach to real estate development. By starting small and building up over time, developers can learn valuable lessons, build a strong team, and create a sustainable business that can weather the ups and downs of the real estate market.


Another example of a successful real estate developer who started small and built their wealth over time through a measured approach is another student and mentee of mine Andre Vos. But, again, Andre focused on a particular niche market.

Andre started with a single property. Instead of multiple projects simultaneously, he focused on a residential unit development. Andre established himself as an expert in his field by concentrating on unit development. As a result, he gained valuable knowledge and expertise in the residential market, which helped him to make better investment decisions and to identify opportunities that others may have missed.

Over time, Andre built a network of contacts and established relationships with lenders, investors, and other key players in their niche market. This helped him to secure financing, find new investment opportunities, and build a team of professionals to support his business.

As Andre’s reputation grew, he attracted more opportunities in residential unit development, building a portfolio of properties and creating long-term wealth through property ownership and development.

This case study highlights the importance of focusing on a specific area of expertise in real estate development. By taking a measured approach and building expertise in a particular niche, developers can establish themselves as trusted experts, attract more opportunities, and build a sustainable and successful business over time.


In conclusion, real estate development can be lucrative for those who approach it with patience and a measured approach. Unfortunately, as discussed in this article, many fledgling, young, or amateur developers take on too many projects too soon, driven by greed or over-ambition. This often leads to failure; they need more experience, financial resources, and a team to succeed.

By contrast, taking a measured approach to real estate development involves starting small, building up experience and resources over time, and taking calculated risks. Case studies have shown how this approach can lead to sustainable success, long-term wealth, and a reputation as a trusted expert in a particular niche.

Therefore, it is essential for developers to learn patience and to focus on building a solid foundation before taking on more ambitious projects. Real estate development is a long-term game; success is built one property at a time. Using a measured approach, developers can reduce risk, increase financial stability, and create long-term wealth through property ownership and development.